I rarely buy new …, I reuse ones I have PEOPLE SAY Level 407 Answer or Solution

PEOPLE SAY Level 407 I rarely buy new …, I reuse ones I have Answers Hint

I rarely buy new …, I reuse ones I have PEOPLE SAY level 407 game answers and detailed solutions are available on this page.

About PEOPLE SAY Game: The concept is simple, a sentence with blanks and you have to find the 5 most given answers by other players to fill those blanks. For sure the funniest word game out there! Discover lots of levels all different and stimulating.

I rarely buy new …, I reuse ones I have Answer:

Find the next PEOPLE SAY Levels below:

Opinion About the PEOPLE SAY game: this is a really fun game but the developers seriously need a dictionary. I’ll play this game and I’ll type in things that are grammatically correct and spelled correctly and it will say that it’s not a word but when the bots put the exact same thing they get points.

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