Brain Out 85 Answer

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Brain Out Answer 85 Level:


First, you have to zoom out the ball.
Then roll it to pass the level.

All levels of Brain Out [1-147] [CLICK HERE] 

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32 thoughts on “BRAIN OUT Level 85 KNOCK OUT ALL THE BOWLING PINS Walkthrough Or Answer:

  • I don’t get why the answer on level 85 is 1024 so i need explenation to this one please.

  • One cut Is equal to 2 pieces = 2^1
    two cuts are equals to 4 pieces = 2^2
    three cuts are equals to 8 pieces = 2^3
    Ten cuts are equals to 1024 pieces = 2^10

  • I dont get how a watermelon can be cutted in 1024 when you only cut it 10 times? Can you please explaine

  • Check the previous comments

  • I don’t understand how you get 8 pieces from 3 cuts. Every time I draw it, I come to 6 pieces with 3 cuts

  • Björn

    Stellen sie sich nicht vor sie würden die Melone wie eine Torte zerschneiden sondern vielmehr führen sie die Schnitte nach einander aus.
    Mit den ersten Schnitt erhalten sie zwei Hälften, jetzt legen sie, rein theoretisch, die beiden Hälften übereinander oder hintereinander und machen den zweiten Schnitt. Die haben jetzt 4 Stücke. Machen sie das ganze noch einmal werden die vier Stücke mit dem dritten Schnitt in 8 Stücke geteilt. usw usw
    Schnitt – Stücke
    1 = 2
    2 = 4
    3 = 8
    4 = 16
    5 = 32
    6 = 64
    7 = 128
    8 = 256
    9 = 512
    10 = 1024

  • admin


  • unh0ly

    U can pyt one previously cut piece atop the other and do 8 pieces from 4 by cuting them all in half.

  • Jknm

    So I buy watermelon then I cut it into 10 the outcome is 20.. How dafaq that become 1024?

  • admin


  • 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2

  • Thomas Gaber

    The first cut makes 2, lay them next to each other and cut them in half and get 4. Lay them in a line and cut them all in half and get 8. Lay them all in a line cut in half get 16. So on and so forth…. Remember it’s a 3D sphere not a flat circle.

  • admin

    You got it 🙃

  • Belal

    This is totally illogical, it’s watermelon! Assuming it is a 50 cm long watermelon then each piece will be 1 ml thick. This game is totally illogical! I am done.

  • admin

    This is logical bro… Contact someone who can do maths…

  • Buissness

    Admin should elaborate the question properly…. admin should mention 10 equal cuts

  • I know and i did I’m the comment section.

  • Santidus

    Pero seria imposible cortarlos de un solo tajo si tienes que mover la fruta y alinearla, entonces pierde él sentido, él cuchillo tendría que ser enormemente largo prscticamente tendrías que usar quizás hasta una katana

  • Anitha

    Need explanation of level 85

  • admin

    The first cut makes 2, lay them next to each other and cut them in half and get 4. Lay them in a line and cut them all in half and get 8. Lay them all in a line cut in half get 16. So on and so forth…. Remember it’s a 3D sphere not a flat circle.

  • Peter

    The answer of 1024 is wrong and misleading! Once you’ve cut it you can’t put one on top of the other. I say that would be two cuts! One though the first piece and another through the second. It’s not one cut continued! It’s two cuts in the same melon. Once through the first piece stacked that’s a cut and going through the second piece begins your next cut!

  • Hay que superponer cada pedazo y cortarlo a la mitad. La mitad de 1 son 2, a esos 2 los apilas y haces un tercer corte ya son 4, 4 apilados y un corte más son 8 y así.

  • Anonymous

    Its crt…thanks bro

  • But in actuality if you have 1024 pieces of watermelon cut you have a slushie suitable for a drinking straw

  • Anonymous

    You must have a very long knife

  • yupp

  • Anonymous


  • CrypticCrow

    I don’t have a big enough knife

  • Drisya

    Can you explain how it is common English.I can uderstand your explanation.How it is possible to get 16 pieces with in 4 cuts

  • Tanacio

    Alguna otra fórmula para realizar el nivel? Tomando en cuenta las soluciones de los comentarioS

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