Brain Test 3 Answers

Brain Test 3 Answers And Detailed Solutions With Walkthroughs

Brain Test 3 All Answers and Walkthrough

Brain Test 3 Game Solutions All Levels and Hints are available on one page. If you want some answers then scroll down to the page.

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About Brain Test 3 Game: “Join Alyx on her quest to find the six power gems in order to save her dying father. While helping Alyx to overcome tricky and brain-teasing puzzles, meet with Brain Test franchise characters along the way.

Brain Test 3 Answers of All Levels:

Click on each level for a more detailed and video solution.


Brain Test 3 Level 1 Answer Do as the tutorial tells you to do and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 2 Answer Do as the tutorial tells you to do and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 3 Answer
Tap on the cake and mouse trap to take them, then drag cake on the mousetrap to combine them, now continue by clicking on the arrow. Drag the trap on the barrel and tap on the toilet door to lure him out.
Brain Test 3 Level 4 Answer
Combine the slingshot and the stone and drag the loaded slingshot at the light, then tsp on the scissors to collect it and use it to cut the alarm wire above, Now load the slingshot again and shoot the guy. There are ropes behind the box, use it to tie him up and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 5 Answer Just tap what you feel like your opinion might be, your level will surely pass.
Brain Test 3 Level 6 Answer
Tap on the door symbol to change them, go to the next phase then match the symbols horizontally. Now there is a lever behind the box, take it and put the missing lever to open the door.
Brain Test 3 Level 7 Answer Drag the pieces to combine the shape.
Brain Test 3 Level 8 Answer Drag the stone out of the screen to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 9 Answer
Tap on the pieces to turn and connect them, the piece in the right should be dragged to the middle. or tap on this level and use the given picture to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 10 Answer
Use the glue to fix the wing, there are three spots that need to be glued, then refuel the plane with a canister, and in last put the propeller on the front to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 11 Answer Just tap what you feel like your opinion might be, your level will surely pass.
Brain Test 3 Level 12 Answer Swipe the screen to change the plane’s altitude and avoid the dark clouds until you pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 13 Answer Go to the third screen, where leaves cover the secret entrance, Drag away three leaves pieces to uncover the entrance.
Brain Test 3 Level 14 Answer
You have to find three stones, one is in the open, the second is behind the box, and the third one is inside the cabinet, put them in the door according to color and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 15 Answer
Don’t let thug catch Alyx, go to the left screen then use the stone to break the snake’s glass but wait until the thug enters the left screen before realizing the snake.
Brain Test 3 Level 16 Answer
Go to the second screen, drag the thug’s body to find the key, now use that key to open the cage, and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 17 Answer Just tap what you feel like your opinion might be, your level will surely pass.
Brain Test 3 Level 18 Answer Drag Alex to avoid the falling stalactites.
Brain Test 3 Level 19 Answer
Turn on the faucet, take the bucket and fill it with water, Now go to another screen and drag the water bucket to the power outlet to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 20 Answer
Go to the left screen then take the screwdriver and use it on the right screw of the shelf, then go to the left screen and drag the barrel away from the trapdoor to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 21 Answer Take the stick and ax blade, combine them, and use that ax on the tree to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 22 Answer Just tap what you feel like your opinion might be, your level will surely pass.
Brain Test 3 Level 23 Answer Drag the cloud to keep Alyx under its shade so that she won’t collapse, and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 24 Answer Take the torch, light the torch with fire, then drag the burning torch on the mummy to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 25 Answer
Just tap what you feel like your opinion might be, but when she asks questions tap on “a doorbell” and “a promise” to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 26 Answer
Collect all three rope pieces and the hook from all screens, then combine all of them and then drag the hooked rope at the ring above a pit to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 27 Answer
Tap on the red gem to take it, and when the mummies come, drag the red gem to the enemies to destroy them and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 28 Answer Tap on the tiles to move, follow the pattern on the wall and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 29 Answer Tap on the airplane to jump with a parachute, and try to land on the island to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 30 Answer
Cut the twig you see on the tree with your knife, then use that twig to the plant’s mouth to disable it and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 31 Answer
Click on the options according to the color pattern I am providing you guys with Blue-Orange-Orange and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 32 Answer
Go to the other screen, then tap on the flowers to collect them, now drag the grey flower to the berries and make it red to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 33 Answer
Follow the witch’s directions and drag the correct flowers into the pot. Or put the flowers in this order: “Yellow-Red-Red-Green-yellow-Red-Yellow” and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 34 Answer
Take the stone by tapping on it, then put the stone on the fly when the frog catches it with its tongue, now drag the potion to the frog when its tongue is stuck out and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 35 Answer Drag the cables to the same colored socket to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 36 Answer
Click on the options according to the color pattern I am providing you guys with “Orange-Blue-Orange-Blue-Blue” and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 37 Answer
Take the slingshot from the pirate’s belt and ammo from the table now combine the slingshot with ammo and drag the slingshot to the chandelier to pass this level.
Brain Test 3 Level 38 Answer
Click on the options according to the color pattern I am providing you guys with “Blue-Blue-Blue-Blue-Blue” and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 39 Answer
Take the crowbar to open the crate, take the knife from the crate and drag the knife to the knot holding the sails and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 40 Answer
You can swipe on the sails to stop the ship, when the Kraken comes near the ship stop the ship, and when it goes back rum again and do it again and your level will be passed.
Brain Test 3 Level 41 Answer Drag the map pieces together to fix the map, click on this level to use the given image to pass this level.


Opinion About the Brain Test 3 game: It’s a lot easier than the other games but also an interesting one. It’s short but fun. Waiting for new adventures!

Thank you for visiting.

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